Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Navigating the new site

Hey all , a quick walk through:

The links to the left here will take you to where you want to go ie "Junior High" will take you to the new Junior High youth group page where you can see whats going on as well as links to specific related photos of previous group events and upcoming . If your in HS you won't find your pics there...

Along with Youth Ministry this site will also be dedicated to outreach in the community and volunteering . Each week new events will be posted where there is a need in Sequim . "They will know us by our love." Check out the "Volunteer" link on the left where JH and HS can lend a hand and receive community service hours as well . (you don't have to fall into those two categories if you want to serve as well)

The Home page (where you are reading from now) will just be updates and stuff in my life etc and my photos of different countries can be found in the "my world pics" link . They are separate from youth group pics.

My number is 360.477.2340 if you have questions etc . I can be reached on the net @

feel free to just leave a comment in the comment box below


Sunday, March 9, 2008


It's been along time . By the end of this week the site will be re-vamped etc to feature Middle School and High School youth group and photos of the weeks events etc etc . I'm currently in process with a possible mission trip to Afghanistan lord willing , getting mentored/bible studies , leading Middle School youth group / helping with HS , volunteering with the Sherrifs Department as a special Deputy , wrking for Vern Frykholm my mentor at the Mini-Storage facility and starting a new ministry in Sequim Wa . Could you pray for me during this time? God is so good and everyday I find new joys of being in His will . Life is good . Will update soon so parents can see there kids in action on tuesday and wednesday nights.

I will be updating the site regularly again shortly.......
