Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Happy Holidays
In this holiday season its easy to forget about why we celebrate it - even I get caught up in the commercialism . I had a pretty sweet list of stuff I wanted from Mom and Dad going for about two weeks when it dawned on me that I had everything I needed . I scaled my list back to a swains gift certificate for slippers and maybe a new shirt for Sunday . I have been thinking alot about the Advent Conspiracy movement and the gravity of importance it holds . Check it out sometime between stuffin your face with turkey and seconds on the mashed potatoes (yummy!) .
Be sure to keep the Seahawks in your prayers - Thank you guys for being awesome.
Love / His ,
Pied Piper
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Video of Guatemala I found on Youtube
See if you can catch me at 0:31-0:32! I have a hat on and Im wearing a blue Nike Shirt!!!!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Dr. Daves yardservice
Prompt , hard working , honest , dependable . $15 an hour for misc work . $18 an hour for moving furniture etc . 360 477 2340
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Coming Home
Friday, September 12, 2008
The Holy Lands
That night took the 3am ferry to Crete and Im just baffled by the history , things I learned in a crusty old 8th grade history book came alive like never before and I started remembering things that Mr Crook said about the ancient Greeks and the structures at Knossos etc . I spent the rest of the day on the beach and late tonight I fly into Cyprus before making my final stop in Israel . Another fun fact , someone cross check me on this one but remember about the family (man and wife) that held back some of the profits on there sale of land and claimed to give it all to the lord – well tomorrow Im going to be in that same area . That’s just wild to me , I praise God for this opportunity daily . Israel is still what this trip is all about and I think the things I have witnessed are leading up to a big crescendo as I very shortly will see where Jesus walked and preached . This is extremely important to me and if I could ask for your prayers for this final stretch of the journey as growth takes place and new things are revealed to me . Ecstatic .
His ,
I have since spent the day on Cyprus camping underneath the stars and viewing the ancient seaside castles . I got into an amazing conversation with an ex-drunk from Denmark that went through AA and got sober/found God . Awesome .
That night I flew into Israel after a being screened 3 times for security never so excited in my life . As we touched down in Tel Aviv my heart raced with excitement and I honestly felt for some reason that I was coming home , or that I belonged there - Im not sure why .
Today I attended a birthday party for my friends friend in Tel Aviv , tomorrow I will be swimming in the River Jordan and Sunday I leave for Jerusalem to see what I came for . Ecstatic . Its amazing to talk with Jewish people listening to there perspective of God and politics and how a nation with enemies on all sides can survive . I've learned more in my first day here about Israel than I have in my life . Please continue to pray for me in this incredible time .
My trip ends so quickly and I wish I would have been here longer . See yall in Seattle at 1:05 pm Wednesday the 17th..... : )
Thursday, September 4, 2008
A whirlwind
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Around the world
Landed in Morocco , saw the Mosques of Casablanca and the beaches of Tangier before leaving by Ferry to spain . Once in Europe I discovered how amazingly beautiful and amazingly expensive it is compared to anywhere else... the dollar doesnt go very far . Spain was amazing . I participated in the Tomatina , the largest tomato fight in the world . It was epic , the whole city was soaked red and i still have tomato coming out of my pockets a week later . The beaches were nothing short of Spectacular . Madrid was nice , Valencia was incredible and Venice Italy so far has taken the cake . With its tranquil water ways and cobblestone roads there is nothing else in the world comparable to its beauty . I recomend everyone to go there . Now im in Rome viewing the incredible paintings in the Pantheon , today I tour the Sistine chapel as well as the Vatican , tonight the Coloseum where gladiators fought.... the pope is also suppose to make a appearance soon in the vatican . Tonight there is a huge concert put on by Nike for the Human Race 10k run free in Rome and it boasts a variety of musical talent . This is a bare bones update.... I will have pics etc when I get back . Love yall , thanks for your prayers... Im safe and healthy after leaving with the flu . I will update more once I get into Greece and Israel ( :
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Europe/Africa 2008 trip
Wednesday August 20 @ 12:55 PM I will be flying from Seattle to Morocco , Africa . I will be gone for a month spending time with friends and visiting various countries : Portugal , Spain , Italy , France , Greece .... if you know people in the area let me know .
September 17th @ 1am I will be flying from Tel Aviv Yafo , Isreal home to Seattle .
Piper 360 477 2340
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
This page is going back to what it was before , just my boring old page about boring David things .
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Bring: 4 bucks
Bring Extras to Share: Brownies , cookies , pop.... etc etc etc
Bring your favorite PG movie on DVD .... starwars ... Indy..... etc .... return to me
BRING XBOX 360 / Wiiiiiii / PS3 ....
360.477.2340 ........
Monday, June 9, 2008
Ground Zero

Tuesdays Cleanup pictured above. Among the things we salvaged (spoons , knives) we found pages of the Holy Bible.
As I visited Tracy in her temporary lodgings at Sequim Bay , she could only fight back tears of gratitude as I shared with her what the Junior High did for her . Her face lit up . God will take an ugly situation and make it beautiful , keep Tracy in your prayers.
What the JH did was really the tip of the iceberg , so much more needs to be done and Tracy has ran out of money staying at Hotels for the last month . Her house burned down on Mothers Day ; due to her heart complications she needs to use oxygen tank . It caught on fire . She was unharmed by Gods grace and escaped her Diamond Point house. She doesn't have home owners insurance and is barely getting by.
Someone donated a trailer for her to stay in , but I think more can be done .
Her immediate needs include..... Money!
If God puts it on your heart to give , contact myself at 360.477.2340
Things that are needed to be donated.....
-An electrician to hookup a 220V / 110 V for her trailer .
-A plumber to hookup a hose for her property .
-A logger to remove 6 large cedar trees and remove from property .
-Top Soil
-Grass seed
-Money for her to eat and start a new life.
Please share this article with others , let us as the body increase awareness! If you know of someone willing to donate or good with Electrical/Plumbing things be sure to let them know about this situation.
Stay tuned for future cleanup days to be scheduled .
Mathew 35 V 35-40
For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.'
"Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?'
"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Monday house fire outreach/cleanup update.
The DCC Junior High has taken on part of the cleanup effort out at 373 Madrona Pl. in Diamond Point . We will be meeting this Monday rain or shine (more like rain or rain) @ 4 pm to do some general cleaning of her property.
10 Junior High students have signed up for Monday and its neat to see there hearts to serve the community in which they live in , essentially being missionaries to the United States .
Now the Info :
When. Monday the 9th starts @ 4pm until you need to leave....
Where. Location : We will meet on the scene, 373 Madrona Place Diamond Point
Why. We are one BIG family
What. Things to bring include : A metal rake , shovel , wheelbarrow , sturdy shoes , gloves and boots. There is a large trash dumpster onsite that we will be loading debris into
Cost: Only if you have it (not required!) , but it would be neat to see everyone who came put in a few dollars or so to a grocery fund for Tracy that we will give her at the end
Contact myself at 360. 477. 2340.
or online at
If God puts it on your heart to donate your time or anything else , don't hold back.
Monday, June 2, 2008

Check out the JH page for tons of new photos and activity updates .
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Cleanup for a victom of fire
Graduation Celebration
etc.... stay tuned for wood chopping fundraisers
Friday, May 23, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
The Plan:
Gather at DCC at 4pm this Friday . Time has not changed nor the location.
4:30 We leave for Deer Park . Movie starts at 7:20 return and pickup at DCC at 10pm
Needs : A parent to Drive , Waiver forms (can be downloaded off DCC's website) for each student.
Cost: 9 bucks? for movie ticket , gas is going to be covered by DCC!
Time: 4pm start , 4:30 leave , 10 pm back at DCC .
contact me 360 . 477 . 2340 for questions!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Yes... the Update

My cell is 360. 477 . 2340
My email is I check it frequently for business things etc so you can catch me almost anytime . closing , the sites name was for when I was out and about and my family needed a way to catch my updates quickly , I would have made the name or something like that but Ive had the site for awhile and recently converted it to the current state its in .
This will be the best way to get information this summer and it will be the most current and up to date info . You can leave me comments just below this in the "leave comment" tab at anytime.
While we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen . For the things which are seen are temporary , but the things which are not seen are eternal .
Corinthians 4 v.18 -Amen
God Bless
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Game/Movie Night! - Wood Choppin for $$$
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Updates! April 20th!

This last Friday night of movies and pizza could have only been topped by chopping wood the very next day ! Click on the "Volunteers" link to the left to find out more about what happened on Saturday (once you are on that page , click on the volunteers pics on the top left to view more than 10 new photos!) . Photo above: After working hard for nearly 4 hours we finished and had some fresh made home-brewed hot chocolate . Fantastic job Junior High Crew , way to serve the community and reflect Christs love .
Monday, April 14, 2008
Pursuit of a good movie....
Contact me at 477 . 2340 for more info or if you (as a parent) would like to donate food/your time etc.

Saturday, April 12, 2008
-Be sure to check the new work service link / volunteer page on this weeks wood-chopping events !
-This FRIDAY the 18th will be a movie night on the 2 ENORMOUS new screens . Time and cost is T.B.A. at youth group on Tuesday . We will be watching "The Pursuit of Happiness" and eating various junk foods .
To get involved or donate call/email me at 360. 477. 2340. or
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Navigating the new site
The links to the left here will take you to where you want to go ie "Junior High" will take you to the new Junior High youth group page where you can see whats going on as well as links to specific related photos of previous group events and upcoming . If your in HS you won't find your pics there...
Along with Youth Ministry this site will also be dedicated to outreach in the community and volunteering . Each week new events will be posted where there is a need in Sequim . "They will know us by our love." Check out the "Volunteer" link on the left where JH and HS can lend a hand and receive community service hours as well . (you don't have to fall into those two categories if you want to serve as well)
The Home page (where you are reading from now) will just be updates and stuff in my life etc and my photos of different countries can be found in the "my world pics" link . They are separate from youth group pics.
My number is 360.477.2340 if you have questions etc . I can be reached on the net @
feel free to just leave a comment in the comment box below
Sunday, March 9, 2008
I will be updating the site regularly again shortly.......
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Missionary to the United States
My first sunday home I had a tough time with the worship music , its much different from Guatemala . I have been actively seeking a mentor to disciple me and Im getting back into middle school youth group ministries after a meeting with Paster Wayne today . I took my grandma out to the Oak Table and it was good to see her . I have yet to go to Bellingham to visit my other friends . Pray for Gods will to be done in my life , for a mentor , for my application to Afghanistan and for where to attend college . To be honest , the site might be boring for a few months but I will try to update with photos and youth group events as often as I can from this country.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Tegulcigalpa Honduras
Tuesday morning at 3 am I got up and caught the bus to visit my good friend and Pastor Maiko . The only problem was when I got into town I realized that I was in a bad area of town . I walked outside the station and Maiko was nowhere to be found (there are two stations in town) . I quickly realized that my cellphone didnt work and I had no Honduran currency to make a phone call . I was quickly looking around at the taxis that would gladly take all of my money , as they smiled devious smiles . I managed to find a telephone in a small tienda that I talked into excepting my "fake" guatemalan money . 3 bucks for a 2 minute phone call only to realize that I had stored the wrong phonenumber in my cellphone . No money , check ... bad section of town , check ....... No friends for miles etc etc . I sent up a few quick prayers and they were answered shortly by a girl named Annais that was a Honduran from LA visiting her mother in Honduras . With her perfect english she asked if I was lost.... Im not sure if my gringo backpack and the stupid look on my face gave it away . Long story short , she and her boyfriend from France took me to her mothers house and tried to cook me dinner . I was so grateful that strangers would take me in , God blessed me and it opened up an oppurtunity for me to share christ with them . Maiko arrived at the house 30 minutes later and my adventure was coming to a close .
The last few days have been a nonstop whirl-wind and God has been revealing himself to me in huge ways. The first day we painted a church (I dont have pictures yet , but picture mexico on stilts for the church) and it was quite the challenge . I found out that the guys have a Halo (video game) ministry so that was amazing . Thursday slept in and did alot of praying , had a sweet time with the lord . I was asked to preach at the youth church for Friday and I felt God leading me to step out in that area . Later that night at a very nice resturant I met the president of Honduras,s daughter.... thats right! She is a newer Christian in a all catholic country and a friend of Maikos . We had talked earlier on the phone that day so the excitement was building . We had an awesome one on one conversation about God and what he is doing in my life for over 15 minutes . Really down to earth girl , she started calling me "Big Mac" for reasons unknown to me but I wasnt about to argue . It was amazing to receive insight from her and to joke around about her dad . Great experience.
Maiko and I went to there equivalant of Starbucks and MTV central America was there and we got on tv I think , they took are pictures as we played a silly games win a backpack for Maikos laptop. Later that afternoon I preached at the youth group , a real leap out of my confort zone and then I was asked to do it again tomorrow (or today now) . That leads me to this point... Im at a Halo party at 3.31 in the morning with a few minutes to spare . Tomorrow (today) we are going to do the most challenging thing I probabley have ever done in this life and that is witness to drug dealors and prostitutes in what I was told could be the most dangerous section of the city . We are going to bring food and the word of God , living water . Im going to speak the message in front of them and try to share Christs love as much as I can . My few days here have been the best of my life and God is watching over me and I feel his prescence . Pray for my safety but it really doesnt matter , fear not those that can harm the body but fear the one that controls your soul . Joy . Thats the one and only word that can describe this . Tomorrow will be huge and im excited as I walk in faith . Pray for my words that I speak . Pray for my brother Maiko and the awesome conversations we have been having . Dios te Bendiga .
Friday, January 25, 2008
Light to the Darkness

Above: Simple roof installation , Guatemala is normally very sunny and solar is a cheap ideal way to power a house
Monday, January 21, 2008

As my time runs out here very shortly I have more and more reasons to stay . I have a family here that will be difficult to let go of as well as amazing friends and an incredible church . This sunday at church I felt God speak to me very directly and I broke down and cried in the service while singing . Im so grateful for these three months . This Sunday I leave for Honduras to visit my awesome friend and youth pastor Maiko in the capital city . I might stop over in El Salvador to help with construction if I can figure out Gordons impossible to keep up with schedule . Pray for safety on the road . Thanks to my loving mother I have a flight home after I shared with her my awesome plans to hitch hike through Mexico that Im very grateful for . She didn´t find them very awesome . I will be in Sandiego California visiting my uncle on Feb 6th and home shortly thereafter . Thanks for reading -Dave
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Life is good .

Thursday, January 17, 2008
Distribution of wealth

Monday, January 14, 2008

This very first one on the left is one of me playing with kids at the HIV clinic , they are positive through birth from there parents and in most cases there parents are dead or just unable to care for them . I have been somewhat of an apprentice to Dick , learning how to fix complicated chairs and fit the kids into the chair that fits best for them . Its a real challenge for CP kids and can take hours .
We worked on 2 chairs that day . This is one of them . This orphanage is much different than other I have been to . There is alot of love from the staff , they are truly one big family... the kids arnt starved for attention they love it , but they dont cry when you leave which is a great thing.
This post is abit sloppy Im learning about how it works . I want to take a second to thank Phil Kemp an amazing brother of mine that is tech-savvy and helped me get this site up and running . Thank you Phil.