Above: Simple roof installation , Guatemala is normally very sunny and solar is a cheap ideal way to power a house
Above: Simple roof installation , Guatemala is normally very sunny and solar is a cheap ideal way to power a house
As my time runs out here very shortly I have more and more reasons to stay . I have a family here that will be difficult to let go of as well as amazing friends and an incredible church . This sunday at church I felt God speak to me very directly and I broke down and cried in the service while singing . Im so grateful for these three months . This Sunday I leave for Honduras to visit my awesome friend and youth pastor Maiko in the capital city . I might stop over in El Salvador to help with construction if I can figure out Gordons impossible to keep up with schedule . Pray for safety on the road . Thanks to my loving mother I have a flight home after I shared with her my awesome plans to hitch hike through Mexico that Im very grateful for . She didn´t find them very awesome . I will be in Sandiego California visiting my uncle on Feb 6th and home shortly thereafter . Thanks for reading -Dave
This very first one on the left is one of me playing with kids at the HIV clinic , they are positive through birth from there parents and in most cases there parents are dead or just unable to care for them . I have been somewhat of an apprentice to Dick , learning how to fix complicated chairs and fit the kids into the chair that fits best for them . Its a real challenge for CP kids and can take hours .
We worked on 2 chairs that day . This is one of them . This orphanage is much different than other I have been to . There is alot of love from the staff , they are truly one big family... the kids arnt starved for attention they love it , but they dont cry when you leave which is a great thing.
This post is abit sloppy Im learning about how it works . I want to take a second to thank Phil Kemp an amazing brother of mine that is tech-savvy and helped me get this site up and running . Thank you Phil.