You know what Im thankful for (other than getting to spend the first Thanksgiving in years with my parents... out of country) .... well thats you guys !!! I love each and everyone of you JH'ers , even Chris Lopes . It is my prayer that you would recognize all the amazing things that God has blessed you with , your strengths+weaknesses - God made you and you are a SPECIAL creation , that is enough in itself to be thankful for . On top of all that He sent His Son that we may have a more perfect relationship with the One that has created us .
In this holiday season its easy to forget about why we celebrate it - even I get caught up in the commercialism . I had a pretty sweet list of stuff I wanted from Mom and Dad going for about two weeks when it dawned on me that I had everything I needed . I scaled my list back to a swains gift certificate for slippers and maybe a new shirt for Sunday . I have been thinking alot about the Advent Conspiracy movement and the gravity of importance it holds . Check it out sometime between stuffin your face with turkey and seconds on the mashed potatoes (yummy!) .
Be sure to keep the Seahawks in your prayers - Thank you guys for being awesome.
Love / His ,
Pied Piper
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