Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Day 6 ... 148 hours into cleanse .

Jan 21st 11:03 pm

Today was fine . I didn't have much of a fatigue problem and my bowels are pretty clean at this point . Tomorrow will be the final salt water cleanse . Im still in awe of God as he has been my source of strength through all of this . What is funny to me was that it has taken a number of days without food to realize that I really can't rely on myself... that was always an illusion - I never could or should have . I should never rely on my "strengths" and personality etc ... but rely on Gods . I have been suprised as the fast comes to an end on my level of patience , I didn't snap on anyone . These 6 days have been beautiful , and Im excited to share a dinner celebration right at the place I started from . The cleanse still continues until sunday , but will really be nothing in comparison (I will eat a light cheerio breakfast in the morning and salad at night to finish the 10 day span) . Last night a friend of mine got to walk around late at night downtown PA and pray for the city , we encountered a homeless man and got to pray for him and spend nearly 2 hours talking to him about life . (words cannot describe the amazing night - ask me in person if your curious) . God has affirmed to me where I should be spending my time . This really is a special time .


Anonymous said...

wow. i think this whole thing is your doing is really really cool. way to hang in there....i'll make sure to pray for your last couple of days.

Anonymous said...

make that hours.