Monday, January 26, 2015

DCC Mexico Spring Break 2015 Application

Feel free to Copy/Paste this into Word and then print it out at home. Applications are due February 1st to the DCC Office (45 Eberle Lane) or electronically to Any SHS student welcome, you don't need to be a Christian to come with us on this service trip.

Dungeness Community Church
 High School Short-Term Service Application

We at DCC are excited you are considering serving in Mexico with us! Before we start the application process though, we would like you and your parent(s) or legal guardian(s) to consider the level of time and financial commitment required to attend this trip. 1) The financial cost is significant: $550+ meals to and from Mexico. This cost can be reduced by actively participating in the DCC Youth Auction or writing support letters. 2) Team meetings and participation leading up to our trip to Mexico is crucial for building relationships/trust and construction skills among the group. 100% attendance to 2 training sessions is required  (March 1st and 15th from 12-5pm at the Holloway’s) to attend this mission trip.

Students, will you commit to attending both meetings? Please circle one: YES / NO

Signature and date: ___________________________________

Parents, do you understand that 100% meeting attendance by your student is required to attend this service trip and that it cost $550+? Please circle one: YES / NO

Signature and date: ____________________________________

1.  Please type or print clearly.  If more space is needed to answer questions, write on a separate       sheet of paper or on the back of the page.
2.  Please return the completed application to the DCC Office or Piper, by Sunday, February 1st.
3. Only adult leaders of the trip will see these applications. Individual student interviews begin on February 4th.

   MINISTRY LOCATION: Mexico: House building trip with Amor, March 27th – April 4th


________________________________________________            ______________
            Legal Name: Last, First, Middle                                             Date of Application

__________________________________________________        _______________                  Present Mailing Address: Street, City, State, Zip                  Phone: Home

E-mail Address: _____________________________________       Cell Number: ____________

Date of Birth: ______________________________ Age: __________

Passport Number: ___________________________  Do you have a birth certificate? ________

Place of Birth: _____________________      Sex:      M       F      Citizenship: _______________


Have you been baptized   _____ Yes             _____ No     If so, when? _____________________


The spring temperatures in Mexico can range from freezing cold at night to smoking hot during the day. Does your current level of physical fitness allow you to serve in these conditions?  YES /  NO

1.  Condition of health (circle):   poor   fair   good   excellent          
2.  List any chronic ailments: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

3.  Explain any physical limitations: _____________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

4.  Briefly share your testimony by describing how and when you came to know Christ as your personal Savior as well as your present relationship with Him. If you are not a Christian, just briefly share your understanding of Jesus and Christianity.  _______________________________


5.  What spiritual truth has the Lord taught you most recently?  ________________________

6.  Have you ever been on a mission trip? ________________ . If so, please list the trip(s)

7.  Do you regularly attend church?  Youth group?

Explain: ___________________________________________________________________________


8.  What do you hope to gain from a short-term service experience?__________________________

9.  Why do you want to participate in this short-term service trip?____________________________

Questions, comments or concerns? Feel free to write them below:

Parent Signature: ________________________________   Date:_________________________

Signature: ______________________________________   Date:_________________________


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