Friday, May 7, 2021

Wheelchairs for Guatemala

Hey Friend,

I want to invite you into a story that involves transforming the lives of disabled Guatemalans through mobility. It doesn’t require your money. My friend Thomas Winfield and I are looking for used wheelchairs, walkers and canes that are collecting dust in the garages of people you know– approximately 100 of each. You might have heard about DCC’s mobility drive in the paper and by God’s grace a 10x12x24 foot storage unit is filled with mobility devices ( The problem is we need to fill another one of these storage units in the next two weeks. We’re halfway there. Would you join us? 

For me, this mobility drive is personal. I feel like I have unfinished-Jesus-business with this central American country. My heart has been in Guatemala since 2007 when God transformed it. Serving alongside missionaries Chris and Donna Mooney with their family for three months changed my entire life ( It had always been a dream of mine to return to Chimaltenango with a team of students. The opportunity didn’t present itself until 2019 when God miraculously made a way for a team of 14 DCC adults and students to be sent by the church for a wheelchair distribution, house build and VBS ( Momentum surged, funds came out of nowhere and flights were booked. Then 2020 hit. We had to scrap the trip but were able to donate the funds we had raised to support Guatemalans in their time of need. After I stepped down from youth ministry to attend seminary the church planned another trip to Guatemala in August of 2021, but this was canceled as well. Things remained too volatile to send a team of students. 

Today our dream is to locally gather the remaining mobility devices by May 21st and then personally distribute them in Guatemala with a small team of adults this Summer. We need your help. Devices can be directly dropped off during office hours at Dungeness Community Church 45 Eberle Lane in Sequim (contact 360-683-7333 or with delivery questions). When both storage units are filled, they will then be shipped to Guatemala in a freight travel process that takes 6 weeks. Please note that we will continue accepting mobility devices after May 21st, but they might end up on a future trip. Thank you for taking the time to read this and share it.


David Piper & Thomas Winfield  

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