Sunday, November 21, 2010

Free and clear! Click here for new (and old) pics of NZ!

Salutations! It has been 6 days since I deleted my facebook and I couldn't be happier. The only problem I have now is what to do with all these 10? spare hours a week. Check the link above for 60+ pictures of Laidlaw/Kinetic Junior High/Piha Beach/Auckland etc.

Summer is upon me and I'm on the search for work. A promising full time job at a outdoor gear store fell short and your prayers for work would be awesome. I'm beginning the process of working to save $6200 USD for next semesters classes that start March 1st. In my 3rd semester at Laidlaw I will be studying: Hebrew, Ways of Knowing, Theology of Suffering and Hope, and Biblical Interpretation.

On Thursday I will be attending the U2 concert at Mt. Smart in Auckland and I have a hitch-hiking trip in the works to cruise towards Wellington (bottom of the North Island). Thank you for all the prayers and support, as I stated in a previous entry, I will be updating here more frequently now.


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