Last night in Fiji was great. Walked down the beach, enjoyed the sunset and prayed about the future. Woke up promptly the next morning at 6am to get ready for my flight out on the 11th to New Zealand. After standing in line for awhile to check in bags I found out that I couldnt get onto my flight to NZ without a return ticket because I wasn't able to get my student visa in the states . I had to rush out of line then and go buy any ticket I could so I wouldn't get rejected in NZ - I bought a refundable ticket (which I cancelled today) and I was able to travel no problem. Praise God .
After landing in NZ I stayed in the airport for nearly 10 hours waiting for Jackson and Nicola to arrive as their flight was delayed due to the hydralics on their plane going out 45min into the flight. During the wait I listened to numerous sermons until they showed up and the joyous re-union took place.
Life has just changed so rapidly in ways I could never expect or plan . The plan was for Sean and I to share the gospel around New Zealand but now is unable to come, leaving me here quite abit early without a plan or focus(don't get me wrong I know God is my focus) . Now I have quite some time on my hands (and my bike hasn't arrived yet) . I have been praying but Im not sure how to respond. I have an oppurtunity to take an ESL , English as a second Language- course so I can teach asian students here. Maybe Gods plan for me is to learn in this month so Im able to support myself down the road. Please pray for me for direction in this time. Anything can happen right now and I want to stay centered on Gods will.
Today I visited the Laidlaw campus for the first time and I'm fully excited about spending time here learning about my creator. It was absolutely beautiful and actually more than I expected! Tomorrow I put in my application for a student visa , hopefully it is accepted or this will be a real short trip to NZ . Even in all of this uncertainty there have been numerous incredible God things and Im going to share them now to showcase His power and to also remind me that me being here isnt a mistake.
2 days before New Zealand my car sells to a man that had been calling me about it (leading me on) for 3+ weeks.
First night in Fiji I meet a couple that lives outside of the college and is willing to host me for $40 NZD less a week than the going rate.
I find out the woman hosting me manages a school teaching junior high age asian students English - and it just so happens I have experience with both.
Today I find out that Nicola's friends brother leads YWAM for New Zealand, that was amazing to talk about.
There is more than that, but this is what Im holding on to in this brief time of uncertainty . I can be certain of Gods plan and that whatever happens- Im going to be just fine.
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