Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Student Visa app. is in , now all we can do is pray.

Above: Nadi, Fiji

If my visa doesn't come through- you might be seeing me home soon.

My address here is

David Piper
Unit 3 / 151 Blockhouse Bay Rd.
New Zealand

Feel free to send carepackages with Dominos pizza in them.

The last few days God has really been working on my heart. He has been breaking down barriers of pride and I have come to the realization for me to be here will be a miracle. I took a step of faith coming here and now more than ever I have to rest and trust in His plan because what I see in front of me apart from Him would be impossible.

Yesterday I took great comfort in Numbers 11 . God has taken care of me every step of the way in this process and every barrier to this point has been broken down , for me not to trust Him now would be simply foolish and sinful. Its easy to tell someone to "stay strong" whip out a couple inspirational verses until it happens to you as I have learned. My God is huge and powerful so me fretting would be minimizing His power . Whatever happens will happen- my only duty is to remain faithful . Getting back to Numbers 11 the Israelites would constantly complain about how God provided (not on their timetable)and would overlook the fact that they themselves had never starved to death. I like the Israelites must not complain about my mana I receive daily but bask in the rays of Gods promises and the miracles that have occured just getting me here. All else is arbitrary. I feel much better today . I have been listening to a series on Ecclesiastes by my fav Preacher Matt Chandler and another comfort for me (as morbid as it sounds) is from Solomon as he says "all is vanity a chasing after the wind" to paraphrase some of his other wisdom literature "relax, you will be dead soon" ... and I take great comfort in that. The chief end of man is to glorify and enjoy God forever and that can be done whether Im rich or poor , starving or full - my life really doesn't matter as long as I'm serving and finding my Joy in God through Christ.

Thank you for all your prayers

Prayer requests:

Visa App
A church and Godly male accountability
A job or 2
Divine direction

Enjoy a few pictures of Fiji... I found lodging there on the beach for $10 bucks a night!

David Piper
skype: davidandrewpiper

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