Sunday, May 30, 2010

Final Date

Above: Sunset at Piha

Straight from the horses mouth (NZ immigration) :

Hi Dave,

It is always best to apply earlier (one month in advance) to ensure that your permit is processed on time to allow you to continue your course without interruption. You are however able to apply up until the date your permit expires this is fine. If your permit does expire before you have received a new permit you will not be kicked out of New Zealand if you have an application under consideration. In other words you can apply any time before 27 June and be fine but we recommend that you apply 30 days before your current permit expires to avoid stress and problems for you.


Now the latest date for my student application is known. It can be pushed all the way to June 25th, which is the Friday before my student application expires.

To study in NZ as an American you must maintain fulltime status to receive a visa, the minimum is 3 classes (I'm currently taking 4). With this being said, current minimum needs are $4775 NZD = 3,241.19 USD after current contributions and my savings. $3,241 USD is the number to ask the Lord for as you pray for me, June 25th is the day it's needed by. Thank you for journeying with me! All the prayers and support are very encouraging! The reason for the push now is that the courses I need to take for Theology are offered in succession of each other. To miss next semester would mean that I would need to wait (possibly a year) until the courses are offered again. At that point I would have a diploma, then I could also pick and choose from a variety of classes available as the pre-requisites for them are out of the way. The end of semester 2 is a much better stopping point if I had to start working again. If you feel moved to donate, please contact my parents at 360.681.5154 - Mike and Deanna Piper.

I had a brilliant weekend of Study at Laidlaws Piha beach house, preparing a series I will be teaching on Sunday(s); connecting students to the whole story of the Bible and how they fit in on the timeline from Creation to Final Consummation. I was able to glean from John Pipers knowledge of Biblical interpretation (5 hour series on the Bible) as well as apply what I have learned this semester at Laidlaw. Exciting times; excited to lay this foundation down as the students have pondered aloud deep faith related questions. After a 4-5 week series we will begin to GO DEEP. Please pray for clarity of thought+speech and student comprehension of truth.

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Photos link to this weekend:!/album.php?aid=180862&id=581352796&ref=nf

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