That title has nothing to do with anything, I just felt like typing it : )
Please pray for me today as I have been formerly offered the job as Youth Leader at Avondale Baptist Church in Auckland this morning. I have asked for a day to pray about it and seek Gods will and direction. I'm laying it at his feet.
There is also a possibility that a car could be given to me and it's so cool to see Gods provision. I sat in today with the JH at church and I really loved the energy in the room and the 12 students in attendance. The future is bright.
Nothing new on the visa end- your prayers are HUGELY appreciated.
Matt Chandlers sermon "The Dark Exchange" resonated with my soul this week , the gist of his sermon was (from a quote in it) "It's always easier to create your own god than bow to the real one." It seemed a timely message as I have nearly finished the history lesson that is Joshua through Esther. God destroys the wicked (to the 4th generation, watch out great great grandkids! ok thats OT relax haha) as they harden their hearts and choose to follow their own plans that lead to destruction. As downright boring as 1st Chronicles and 2nd are it sets the stage to shine a beautiful light of redemption down during Ezra/Nehemiah (specifically Nehemiah) . The Israelites gave up the captivity and bondage in their hearts from serving false idols and turned their collective passion back over to the lord. They previously where in physical captivity to the Egyptians but thats arguably better than being in spiritual captivity to the things of this world. When they repented, He blessed them mightily. Solomon says: The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge but fools despise wisdom and instruction. We can laugh about how silly it is to serve Golden Cows , but I know the downright foolishness that my heart can posses outside of being in Gods will so these books , specifically Nemehiah, have reminded me to not let history repeat itself.
God is so good and faithful , thank you for your thoughts,prayers and emails. Have a spirit filled, amazing Valentines day. You are loved even if you can't see it or feel it right now from a physical source!
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