Saturday, July 17, 2021

Home Again

It's going to take me a month to mentally unpack all that happened from late (10pm) Saturday July 10th when we landed to early (4am) July 16th when we left Chimaltenango to Guatemala City for our flight out at 8:20am. Each day exploded with impact. The three of us gringo guys who attended were given a Guatemalan hat in a formal ceremony on behalf of the city government in Jicaro, Guatemala. Honestly, it doesn't look like much but holds so much value in meaning. When I look at the hat it reminds me of the nearly 60 people who received mobility that day as well as the 10 who accepted Jesus as savior. It reminds me of a week of work that left my body exhausted and heart full. It reminds me of the four families we visited to bring food and clothing to as well as the two houses we built for single mothers. It reminds me that my body, possessions and life aren't my own, but that I was bought for a price (1 Cor. 6:19-20). I want to say thank you from my heart to each and every person who donated. You all raised the $13,000 to make this happen in just a month. Thank you to every person who like and shared on social media. May God bless you and your family.

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